Author: Ramon
Top 10 Movie Series
Introduction: I love movies. There are movies I can watch again and again. When a new film comes out in theaters, I’m there. Going out to the movies is one of my favorite pass times as well as watching movies online. Consider this my most favorite movie series from 1 being best to 10 being… Read more
8 Signs Your Co-Worker Is a Liability
Introduction: There’s a saying that a team is only as strong as its weakest link. One bad apple stands out, and the very contract your company works under could be in danger. Here are some signs that a co-worker on your team needs to be let go. Poor Work Ethic Work ethic is the most… Read more
7 Reasons Why Mall Security Deserves Respect
Introduction: We can thank Hollywood for distorting our view of mall security. They are the masters of making certain people of certain demographics despised by society. Mall security is always played by certain actors who display certain stereo types. The most famous one being Paul Blart. An overweight adult male with no social life. Well… Read more
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